23 – The Last Present: An Alpine Christmas Crisis

Author of this question: Paolo Massenio, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e dell’Informazione, Politecnico di Bari, Italy

A sudden snowstorm has caused Santa Claus’s turbo-sled to run out of reindeer power just as he’s about to deliver the last present to a remote house in the Italian Alps. With only a little time left before the child wakes up, Santa’s GPS goes down due to the storm, and his only guide is an old, hand-drawn map made by an elf years ago! What should Santa do to avoid getting lost in the snow, mistaken for a snow yeti by mountain goats, and ensure the gift is delivered on time?

a. 🗺️✨🧝 Trust the elf’s map, since it’s the only thing he has. After all, Santa used maps long before the GPS was invented by Santa’s Tech Lab.

b. 📡📻🧝‍♂️ Stop and wait for the elf in the control tower to send updates, maybe using the old radio system instead of GPS.

c. 🏠☕🌤️ Take shelter and wait for the storm to pass. It is safer to finish deliveries once the weather clears!

d. 🗺️🏔️🌌 Use the map as a starting point but adjust his route by watching for visible landmarks.

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