Author of this question: Alessandro Falsone, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Given the shocking number of over 1.2 billion children worldwide under the age of 10, Santa and the elves have been under serious pressure to keep up with gift production. After two years of working long nights, the elves are now threatening to go on strike and halt production if things don’t change. With Christmas rapidly approaching and stakes high, Santa has finally decided to use control theory (a way of managing systems automatically) to handle the manufacturing process at the North Pole factory. What would Santa do if he were truly applying control theory?

a. 🎅📊🎄 Santa would set up a flashy control room with hundreds of monitors and dashboards, showing all the elves in action at each step of the manufacturing process, with fancy charts tracking production speed. Once it’s ready, it’d be like Santa’s own “Elf Brother” show, with a few reindeer watching the action from the sidelines.
b. 📝🎄🍪 Santa would plan everything down to the last detail to avoid a North Pole meltdown: organizing elf shifts, toy inspections, and cookie supplies (yes, cookies — no one wants to deal with a hungry elf!). This would help avoid disasters, like last year when an elf fell asleep on the conveyor belt and ended up on the sleigh tangled in wrapping paper and ribbon.
c. ❄️📈🎁 Knowing that Christmas letters come in faster than snowflakes in a blizzard, Santa would tell the elves to adjust production on the fly, based on the number of toys already made and the number of requests coming in. This way, he’d hope to avoid surprises like last year’s 100,000 jet pack requests!