Author of this question: Didrik Efjestad Fjereide, Institutt for Data- og Elektroteknologi, Universitetet i Stavanger, Norway
Santa has had his fair share of challenging rooftop landings over the years, which has raised concerns from his insurance provider. One key issue he faces is that the weight of his sleigh changes depending on the number of gifts he carries. According to the National Museum of US Air Force database, the Santa Claus sleigh (S.C. Mk II) weights approximately 136 kg when empty and approximately 1155594 kg when fully loaded with gifts. To address this, Santa has invested in a new sleigh equipped with an RTLS (Rooftop Landing System) designed to help him perform consistent landings.
Before heading out on his annual gift delivery, Santa needs to tune the RTLS to ensure safe and reliable performance under a wide range of loading conditions. To ensure that all landings are safe, the system is tuned for the fully loaded condition. The figure below displays three possible responses for the RTLS. Which response should Santa aim for?

a. 🎢😆💙Blue: Fast and oscillatory – Perfect if Santa wants to practice his roller coaster laugh while landing. Who needs a smooth landing when you can add some thrill to the ride, right?
b. ✈️😎❤️Red: Quick with minor undershoot – The ideal choice for a confident landing with just a touch of drama. It’s like saying, <<I might dip a bit, but I’ll get there—trust me.>>
c. ☕🐢🧡Orange:Slow but steady descent – Santa’s choice for a relaxing landing that won’t spill the hot cocoa. Slow and steady may not win races, but it definitely keeps the insurance company happy!
d. 🎖️🧭🎨 Any of theblue,red, or orange works fine – Santa’s an expert pilot, after all. If he can handle millions of presents and reindeer antics, a little wobble here and there is no problem!
e. 🌍🎯🏠 Deactivate the RTLS for a gravity-powered drop – Forget the provided responses! Santa should guide the sleigh right above the chimney, switch off the RTLS, and let gravity do the rest. It’s the fastest way to the rooftop—just hope the reindeer are braced and the roof has good insurance!